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In conclusion, I will argue that many fundamental aspects of research on student so called ‘cheating’ need to be re-examined because this study demonstrates that student copying is integral to the dominant configuration in Czech higher education. This educational configuration is re/produced not just by students and teachers but also by buildings and spaces built for frontal instruction by projection technologies transmitting fixed knowledge by students’ community websites that enable sharing and electronic replication of lecture or crib notes and by public policies of higher education funding or quality assurance. In the teaching/learning situations that we observed, teachers ‘transmit’ knowledge to students, who are expected to ‘replicate’ it in exams, which students manage by either memorization or copying either way, students are excluded from knowledge construction.

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In this ethnographic study, I will show that students at Czech university departments employ copying strategies as part of the dominant educational practices centred on the ‘replication’ of authoritative knowledge. This research supports recent findings that language cues vary systematically with deception, and that deception can be revealed in fraudulent scientific discourse. Beyond these discourse dimensions, Stapel included fewer co-authors when reporting fake data than genuine data, although other evidentiary claims (e.g., number of references and experiments) did not differ across the two article types. Using differences in language dimensions we were able to classify Stapel's publications with above chance accuracy. His writing style also matched patterns in other deceptive language, including fewer adjectives in fraudulent publications relative to genuine publications. The analysis revealed that Stapel's fraudulent papers contained linguistic changes in science-related discourse dimensions, including more terms pertaining to methods, investigation, and certainty than his genuine papers. When scientists report false data, does their writing style reflect their deception? In this study, we investigated the linguistic patterns of fraudulent (N = 24 170,008 words) and genuine publications (N = 25 189,705 words) first-authored by social psychologist Diederik Stapel.

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